Dr. Kishor Bagalkot Dental, Orthodontic and Implant Centre
Dr. Kishor Bagalkot
BDS., MDS (Orthodontics)
Facilities Available : Splts In Correction Of Irregular/Forwarddly Placed/Backwardly Placed Teeth & Jaws., All Treatment Done. Root Canal, Fixed Teeth, Whitening Lasers, Surgery, Implants, Tooth Colored Fillings/ Caps/ Crowns, Asymmetric/ Deviated Jaws, Correction Of Small Chin, Cleft Lip Cleft Palate, Dental Ornamentts (Crystals, Tattos).
Timings : 10am To 1.30pm & 4pm To 7pm
Phone No : | 0836-2256276, 4256276, 9686148538 |
Email : | kisbags@hotmail.com |
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